SEA Meetings

The Southern Economic Association will be holding its meeting in San Antonio beginning on Saturday. I bring this up because I have put together a session entitled, “Nominal Income Targeting, the Productivity Norm, and Monetary Stability.” The panel consists of George Selgin, Scott Sumner, David Beckworth, and myself. We will be presenting on Monday morning at 10 a.m. Here is a list of the presentations:

— George Selgin, “Greenspan’s Bubble: The Productivity Connection”

— Scott Sumner, “Could Nominal Income Targeting Have Prevented the Current Recession?”

— David Beckworth, “Is the Federal Reserve a Monetary Superpower?”

— Josh Hendrickson, “Nominal Spending and the Great Moderation: Theory and Evidence”

2 responses to “SEA Meetings

  1. Josh,

    I would appreciate it if you could email me coplies of the papers.

    If the commenters provide electronic versions of their remarks, I would appreciate them as well.


  2. Pingback: SEA Update « The Everyday Economist

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